金传明 | |
职 称:教授(二级) | |
学历学位:博士研究生/理学博士 | |
学科专业:有机化学 | |
研究方向:金属有机化学与超分子化学 | |
联系方式:cmjin@hbnu.edu.cn | |
办公室/实验室:重点实验室15Z502/Z509-511 |
| 个人简介
金传明,二级教授,理学博士,中国化学会高级会员。1969年5月出生,湖北石首市人,中共党员。湖北省政府专项津贴获得者,湖北省第八届青年科技奖获得者,湖北省新世纪高层次人才工程第二层次人选,黄石市有突出贡献中青年专家,黄石市“十大杰出青年”,湖北省杰出青年基金获得者,“教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划”湖北省推荐人选。教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金评审专家、学位与研究生教育评审专家,湖北省无机化学专业委员会委员。湖北欧美同学会-湖北留学人员联合会第一届委员会理事,湖北省回国科技人员创业促进会第一届理事会会员,黄石市留学人员和家属联谊会副会长。1991年湖北师范学院化学系毕业,获理学学士学位,1998年硕士研究生毕业,获湖北大学有机化学硕士学位,2002年6月南京大学博士研究生毕业,获无机化学理学博士学位。2002.10-2003.8澳大利亚昆士兰大学分子建筑中心(Centre for molecular Architecture, Central Queensland University, Australia)开展博士后研究(导师为 Ronald N Warrener教授),2003.9-2005.8 美国爱达荷大学化学系(Department of Chemistry, University of Idaho, USA)开展博士后研究(导师为Jean’ne M Shreeve教授)。
长期从事研究生与本科生《有机化学》《有机化学实验》《高等有机化学》《有机合成》《超分子化学》《专业英语》《化学进展》等课程的教学工作,在教学中注重拓展员工的知识面,注重培养员工的综合素质与创新能力,注重教学的规范性和创新性相结合,主讲课程受到员工的普遍欢迎与好评,教学效果长期被员工评价为优秀,曾经被评为湖北师范学院“员工心目中最喜爱的十佳老师”“湖北师院十佳优秀教师”。科学研究兴趣主要集中在分子功能材料、超分子化学和金属有机化学以及相关的研究领域,在新型能源储氢材料、温室气体的吸附分离材料以及绿色有机合成化学等研究领域开展了创新性研究工作,分别在Chem. Commun.;Cryst. Growth Des.;Inorg. Chem.;J. Mater. Chem.;Organometallics;Eur. J. Inorg. Chem.;Synthesis;Supramole. Chem.等国际和国内具有重要影响的杂志上发表论文150余篇,其中SCI收录80余篇。代表性论文已被国际上具有重要影响的杂志如美国《化学与工程新闻》(C & E News); 英国《自然》杂志系列Nature Chem.以及化学类有影响的评论杂志如Chem. Rev.; Coord. Chem. Rev.; Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.; Chem. Soc. Rev.; J. Am. Chem. Soc.; Chem. Commun.等专文评述与引用。由于在科研领域的学术影响,先后被邀请为国际高影响杂志J. Am. Chem. Soc.; Chem. Commun.;J. Mater. Chem.; Chem. Phy. & Phy. Chem.; CrystEngComm; Dalton Trans.; Cryst. Growth Des.;Inorg. Chem.的审稿人,2011年被美国化学会授予“优秀评审专家”称号。曾主持并完成了国家自然科学基金面上项目、湖北省自然科学基金重大项目、湖北省青年杰出人才项目、教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金、湖北省自然科学基金、湖北省教育厅重大项目、产学研项目与青年项目、湖北省高校优秀中青年科技创新团队等项目的研究。申请中国发明专利6项,已授权中国发明专利3项。科研成果《功能分子材料的合成与性质》获2012年湖北省自然科学奖二等奖(第一完成人),《超分子的功能化、相互作用与识别》获湖北省自然科学奖三等奖,《基于杯芳烃离子传感器的设计合成与性质研究》获黄石市首届高校科技奖三等奖,二篇论文Organometallics, 2005, 24, 3020-3023;Chemical Communications, 2006, 5039-5041分别获湖北省第十一、十二届自然科学优秀学术论文奖二等奖,《基于2-mBIM的一维无限索烃分子与六金属大环有机骨架材料》获黄石市第二届自然科学优秀学术论文一等奖。
| 教学及人才培养
1. 主讲《有机化学》《有机化学实验》《高等有机化学》《有机合成》《超分子化学》《专业英语》《化学进展》等本科生(研究生)课程
2. 承担本科生学位论文及综合化学实验指导工作
3. 担任《有机化学》课程负责人
4. 担任有机化学与无机化学学科研究生导师
| 主要科研课题
1. 国家自然科学基金(21171053)《功能化双咪唑类配体调控多孔金属有机骨架材料》(第一主持人)2012.01-2015.12.
2. 国家自然科学基金(21172084)《新型双稳态磁分子簇的构筑与性质调控》(第二主持人)2012.01-2015.12.
3. 湖北省自然科学基金(2015CFC799)《多功能光电分子材料的构筑与性质》(第一主持人)2016.01-2017.12.
4. 湖北省自然科学基金重大项目(2013CFA123)《新能源气体吸附/存储新材料的制备与应用研究》(第一主持人)2014.01-2015.12.
5. 湖北省自然科学基金(2009CDB349)《多孔金属有机骨架储氢材料的制备与性质》(第一主持人)2010.01-2012.12.
6. 湖北省自然科学基金杰出青年人才项目(2006ABB038)《高选择性离子识别可控的功能双杯芳烃管道的合成及性质》(第一主持人)2006.01-2008.12.
7. 教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金(教外司留[2007]24号)《多功能双杯芳烃管道分子的设计,合成与性质》(第一主持人)2007.01-2009.12.
8. 湖北省高校优秀中青年科技创新团队(T201311)《多功能分子材料》(第一主持人)2013.01-2016.12.
9. 湖北省教育厅重大项目(Z20102501)《无机-有机杂化多孔分子材料的组装与性质》(第一主持人)2010.01-2013.12.
10. 湖北省教育厅产学研项目(CXY2009B028)《新型含氟离子液体润滑剂的制备、性质与应用》(第一主持人)2009.01-2012.12.
| 代表性论文论著
1. Min Zhang, Jin-Hong Lin, Chuan-Ming Jin* and Ji-Chang Xiao*, Difluorocarbene-based cyanodifluoromethylation of alkenes induced by a dual-functional Cu-catalyst, Chem. Commun., 2021, 57, 2649-2653.
2. Jia-Xin Li, Ji-Jun Xu, Wen-Qi Luo, Chuan-Ming Jin*, Supramolecular chirality and photochromism in Langmuir-Blodgett films of fabricated silver-induced phenylazoimidazole derivatives, Dyes and Pigments, 187 (2021) 109080.
3. Wen-Qi Luo, Xiao-Gang Du, Ling-Ying Chen, Chuan-Ming Jin∗, Synthesis, structure, and anticancer activity of four silver(I)-N-heterocyclic carbene complexes and one polymer containing quinolin-8-yl groups, J. Organomet. Chem. 952 (2021) 122033.
4.陈雨, 卫杨帆, 李嘉欣, 罗文琦, 金传明*, 刚性二咪唑配体组装金属有机大环与金属有机凝胶的结构与性质,无机化学学报,2021, 37, 235-242.
5. Zhi-Wei Xu, Wei Zhang, Jin-Hong Lin, Chuan-Ming Jin* Ji-Chang Xiao*, Pd-catalyzed transfer of difluorocarbene for three component cross-coupling, Chin. J. Chem. 2020, 38, 1647-1650.
6. Du, Xiao-Gang ; Zhou, Jun-Qiang; Zhong, Meng ; Zhu, Xue-Mei ; Yun, Fan ; Jin, Chuan-Ming*, Syntheses of Methylene-bridged Symmetric Bisimidazolium Picrates as High-energetic Salts,J. Heterocyclic Chem., 2019,56, 839.
7. Tianqi Jin, Junqiang Zhou, Yangyang Pan, Yu Huang, Chuanming Jin*, Self-assembled 1D infinite inorganic [2]catenane and 2D sheet framework with calix[8] phenylazoimidazole and [4+4] metallomacrocyclic motifs based on silver and ditopic bis(imidazolyl) methane ligands,Journal of Molecular Structure, 2018, 1160, 222-226.
8. Kun-Peng Zhang, Tian-Qi Jin, Jun-Qiang Zhou, Ting-Ting Ma, and Chuan-Ming Jin* , Syntheses of Symmetric and Unsymmetric Bis-imidazole DerivativesUsing Phase-Transfer Catalysis,Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry, 2017, 54, 3065-3071.
9. Yuan-Yuan Wang, Ruo-Bing Shi, Min Pi, Xiao-Fang Wang, and Chuan-Ming Jin*, A Multinary Silver Cluster, Multicoordinated Silver Supramolecular Framework With a 2D Anionic Water Aggregation, Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic, Metal-Organic, and Nano-Metal Chemistry, 2016, 46, 1489–1494.
10. Zhanfen Chen,* Jian Zhang, Pan Zeng, Shuping Zhang, Chuanmin Jin, Evaluation of DNA Binding, Protein Interaction, and Cytotoxic Activity of a Mononuclear Copper(II) Complex,Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 2014, 640(7), 1506–1513.
11. Ruo-Bing Shi, Min Pi, Shuang-Shuang Jiang, Yuan-Yuan Wang, Chuan-Ming Jin*, Encapsulated discrete octameric water cluster, 1D water tape, and 3D water aggregate network in diverse MOFs based on bisimidazolium ligands, Journal of Molecular Structure, 2014, 1071, 23-33.
12. 张传越, 石若冰, 陈才元, 金传明*, 双阳离子型室温离子液体中Suzuki 偶联反应研究, Chin. J. Org. Chem., 2013, 33, 611~614.
13. Zhang Chuan-Yue, PI Min, JIN Chuan-Ming*, Structure and Fluorescence Property of a 2D Macrometallacycle Supramolecular Network [Zn2(2-mBIM)2(SUC)2]n, Chin. J. Struct. Chem. 2013, 32(3), 446─452.
14. Yang-Fan Wei, Tao Wang, Min Pi, Wen Song, Chuan-Ming Jin*, Two three-dimensional cadmium supramolecular architectures containing extensive hydrogen- bonding networks based on CdSO4 and bis-imidazole ligands,Journal of Molecular Structure, 2012, 1027, 150–155.
15. Davor Margetic, Ronald N. Warrener, Douglas N. Butle, Chuan-Ming Jin, A cascade thermal isomerisation of cyclobutane di-(carbomethoxy) D2-1,2,3-triazolines with intramolecular 1,3-dipolar cycloreversion as the key step, Tetrahedron, 2012, 68, 3306 -3318.
16. Min PI, Tao WANG and Chuan-Ming JIN*, Assembly of two coordination polymers [Cu(BIM)(suc)]n and [Cd(BIM)(ox)(H2O)]n constructed from bis(imidazol-1-yl)methane, J. Coord. Chem. 2011, 64(4), 600-609.
17. Min Pi,Zhe Zhang,Chuan-Ming Jin*, The Structure and Fluorescence Property of a 3D Supramolecular Network [Cd2(2-mBIM)2Cl2 (C4H4O4)(H2O)2(H2O)]n, J Chem Crystallogr 2011, 41, 630-634.
18. Zhe Zhang, Min Pi, Tao Wang, Chuan-Ming Jin*, Synthesis, structure and photoluminescence of two cadmium coordination polymers with 1,3-benzene dicarboxylate and two flexible bis-imidazole ligands, J. Mol. Struct. (2011), 992,111-116.
19.Chuan-Ming Jin,* Zhu Zhu, Zhan-Fen Chen, Yan-Jun Hu, Xiang-Gao Meng, An Unusual Three-Dimensional Water Cluster in Metal-Organic Frameworks Based on ZnX2 (X = ClO4, BF4) and an Azo-Functional Ligand, Cryst. Growth & Des., 2010, 10, 2054-2056.
20.Chuan-Ming Jin,* Zhu Zhu, Ming-Xia Yao and Xiang-Gao Meng, In situ reduction from CuX2 (X=Br, Cl) to Cu(I) halide clusters based on ligand bis(2-methyl imidazo-1-yl)methane, CrystEngComm, 2010, 12, 358-361.
21. Ji-Jun Xu, Zhu Zhu, Shao-Min Shi, Juan Zhou, Chuan-Ming Jin*, Syntheses and crystal structures of two cadmium coordination polymers [Cd(2-mBIM)(NCS) (SCN)]n and [Cd2(2-mBIM)2(NO3)2(C4H4O4)(H2O)5]n based on bis(2-methylimidazol-1-yl) methane, J. Coord. Chem. 2010, 63(13), 2296-2306.
22. Zhu Zhu, Jing-Jing Hu, Xiao-Xia Lu, Chuan-Ming Jin,* Synthesis and Crystal Structure of a Novel Macro cyclic Bisimidazolylidene Picrate Containing Two Silver(I) N-heterocyclic Carbene Units, J Chem Crystallogr 2010, 40, 423–427.
23. Chuan-Ming Jin *, Zhan-Fen Chen, Hong-Fei Mei, Xi-Kui Shi , Ag(I) coordination polymers with flexible bis-imidazole ligands: 2D interwoven structure and wavy layer network based on silver–silver interactions, J. Mol. Struct. (2009), 921, 58-62.
24. Chuan-Ming Jin,* Zhan-Fen Chen, Cai-Yuan Chen and Jing-Hua Dong, Syntheses, crystal structures and properties of two novel cadmium coordination polymer containing bis(2-methylimidazol-1-yl)methane (2-mBIM) and bis(imidazol-1-yl) methane (BIM) ligands, J. Coord. Chem. 2009, 62(3), 390-399.
25. Zhang, Hai-Li, Liu, Ya, Lai, Guo-Song, Yu, Ai-Min, Huang, Yu-Mei, Jin, Chuan-Ming, Calix[4]arene crown-4 ether modified glassy carbon electrode for electrochemical determination of norepinephrine, Analyst, 2009, 134, 2141-2146.
26. Chuan-Ming Jin* Ling- Yan Wu,Huang Lu,Yan Xu, Two Distinct Supramolecular Motifs from Bis(2-methylimidazo-1-yl) Methane: An Infinite [n]Catenane and A Discrete M6 Metal-Organic Framework,Cryst. Growth Des., 2008, 8, 215-218.
27. Chuan-Ming Jin *, Zhan-Fen Chen, Ting-Quan Sun, Yan-Jun Hu, Sheng-Li Hu , Two novel coordination polymers with different molecular tectonics based on zinc nitrate and bisimidazole ligand, J. Mol. Struct. (2008), 889,186-190.
28. Chuan-Ming Jin*, Ling-Yan Wu Zhen-Xing Zhong, Synthesis and Crystal Structure of a New Coordination Polymer from Cadmium and V-Shape Ligand Bis(imidazol-1-yl) methane, J Chem Crystallogr. 2008, 38, 685-688.
29. Electrocatalysis and Voltammetric Determination of Dopamine at a Calix[4]arene Crown-4 Ether Modified Glassy Carbon Electrode,Electroanalysis, 2007, 19, 496-501.
30. Chuan-Ming Jin, Chengfeng Ye, Brendan Twamley, Jean’ne M. Shreeve, Convenient Synthesis of Biscalix[4]arene and Its Cesium Selectivity, Synthesis, 2006, 17, 2903-2906.
31. Chuan-Ming Jin,* Huan Lu, Ling-Yan Wu and Jing Huang, A new infinite inorganic [n]catenane from silver and bis(2-methyl imidazolyl) methane ligand, Chem. Comm., 2006, 5039-5041.
32. Chuan-Ming Jin, Chengfeng Ye, Benjamin S. Phillips, Jeffery S. Zabinski, Xuqing Liu, Weimin Liu,Jean’ne M. Shreeve, Polyethylene glycol functionalized dicationic ionic liquids with alkyl or polyfluoroalkyl substituents as high temperature lubricants, J. Mater. Chem., 2006, 16, 1529-1535.
33. Ruihu Wang, Chuan-Ming Jin, Brendan Twamley, and Jean’ne M. Shreeve, Syntheses and Characterization of Unsymmetric Dicationic Salts Incorporating Imidazolium and Triazolium Functionalities, Inorganic Chemistry, 2006, 45, 6396-6403.
34. Guo, Xun; Zhang, Li; Lu, Guo-yuan; Zhang, Chao-zhi; Jin, Chuan-ming; Liu, Ming-hua. p-Nitrophenylazo Calix[4]arenes, Synthesis, Monolayers and NLO-properties. Supramolecular Chemistry, 2005, 17(4), 271-276.
35. Chuan-Ming Jin, Chengfeng Ye, Crystal Piekarski, Brendan Twamley, Jean’ne M Shreeve, Mono and Bridged Azolium Picrates as Energetic Salts, Eur.J. Inorg. Chem., 2005, 3760-3767.
36. Chuan-Ming Jin, Brendan Twamley, and Jean’ne M. Shreeve*, Low-Melting Dialkyl and Bis(polyfluoroalkyl)-Substituted-Methylenebis (1,2,4-triazolium)- Methyl- enebis(imidazolium) and 1,1-Bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)amides: Ionic Liquids Leading to Bis(N- heterocyclic carbene) Complexes of Palladium,Organometallics, 2005, 24, 3020-3023.
37. Jin Chuan-Ming, Lu XF, Lu Guo-Yuan, Li Y, You Xiao-Zeng, Liquid-liquid extraction of alkali metal cations by calix[4]crowns with pendant groups, Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange, 2004, 22(4), 681-693.
38. Wan, Xiao-Bing; Jin, Chuan-Ming; Shi, Zheng-Wei; Lu, Guo-Yuan, Crystal structure of a tetranuclear nickel (II) complex of a 24-membered Schiff base macrocyclic ligand, Journal of Chemical Crystallography 2004, 34(1), 57-60.
39. Chuan-Ming Jin, Guo-Yuan Lu, Zheng-Wei Shi, Chao-Zhi Zhang, Xiao-Zeng You, Synthesis and Cation Complexation Properties of Calix[4]crowns Bearing Pendant Donor Sites, Supramolecular Chemistry, 2004, 16(1), 41-50.
40. Jin, Chuan-Ming; Shreeve, Jean'ne M, Bridged Di(alkyl- and 4,4,4-trifluorobutyl imidazolium) Quaternary Salts Based on p-tert- Butyl calix[4]arene, Inorg. Chem., 2004, 43, 7532-7538.
41. Wang, Zhen-Sheng; Lu, Guo-Yuan; Sheng, Xin; Guo, Xun; Jin, Chuan-Ming. Interaction and interfacial molecular recognition of calix[4]arene derivatives bearing nucleobases for complementary nucleoside, Chinese Journal of Chemistry 2003, 21(6), 600-603.
42. Jin, Chuan-Ming; Gui, Min-Zhi; Lu, Guo-Yuan; Guo, Xun; Zhang, Hong; You, Xiao-Zeng, Studies on properties of p-nitrophenylazo calix[4]arene derivatives. Chinese Journal of Chemistry 2003, 21(2), 105-107.
43. Jin, Chuan-ming; Lu, Guo-yuan; Zhang, Chao-zhi; Shi, Zheng-wei; You, Xiao-zeng, Calix[4]crowns with methoxynaphthoylmethyl pendant groups. Chinese Journal of Chemistry 2003, 21(11), 1410-1413.
44. Wan Xiao-bing; Lu Guo-yuan; Bo zhu; Jin Chuan-Ming; Liu Fang, Synthesis of calix[4]arene diazacrown containing m-xylylene phenol subunit, Organic Preparations and Procedures International, 2002, 34(5), 542-547.
45. Jin, Chuan-Ming; Lu, Guo-Yuan; Liu, Yun; You, Xiao-Zeng; Wang, Zhong- Hua; Wu, Hou-Ming; Synthesis of (p-substituted phenyl) azo calix[4]arenas, Chinese Journal of Chemistry, 2002, 22(10), 1080-1087.
46. Chuan-Ming Jin, Zheng Wang, Kou-Lin Zhang, Guo-Yuan Lu, Xiao-Zeng You, Crystal Structure of the Molecular Adduct of 5-mono[(4-nitrophenyl)azo] -25,26,27,28- tetra hydroxycalix[4]arene with Chloroform (1:1), Journal of Chemical Crystallography, 2002, 32(9), 293-297.
47. Xiao Bing Wan, Chuan Ming Jin, Xun Guo, Guo Yuan Lu, Synthesis of Schiff Base Calix[4]arene Crowns, Chinese Chemical Letter. 2002, 13(8), 699-700.
48. Zhang KL, Xu Y, Wang Z, Jin CM, You XZ, Synthesis,crystal structure and magnetic properties of the first dinuclear copper (II)-iron(II) complex [Cu(L)Fe(CN)(5)NO] based on nitroprusside, Transit. Metal. Chem., 2002, 27, 95-98.
49. Wang, Zheng; Jin, Chuan -Ming; Shao, Ting; Li, Yi-Zhi; Zhang, Kou-Lin; Zhang, Hong-Tao; You Xiao-Zeng, Syntheses, Structures, and Luminescence Properties of a New Family of Three-Dimensional Open-Framework Lanthanide Coordination Polymers, Inorg. Chem. Commun., 2002, 5(9), 642-648.
50. Jin CM, Lu GY, Wang ZS,You XZ et al Synthesis of heteroarylazo-substituted calix[4]arenes,Synthesis, 2001, No, 7, 1023-1026.
51. Lu GY, Song W, Liu MH, Jin CM, Studies on properties of tetra-p-nitro- tetra-o-alkyl-calix[4]arenes, Chinese Journal of Chemistry, 2001, 19, 612-615.
52. Shi YJ, Xu Y, Zhang Y, Jin CM, You XZ et al. Self-assembly and X-ray structure determination of the novel 2-D layered organic-inorganic hybrid Pb-X compound, Chem. Lett., 2001, 7, 678-679.
53. Chuan-Ming Jin, Guo- Yuan Lu, Yan Xu, Qian Li, Fang Liu, Xiao-Zeng You, Crystal Structure of 25, 27- Bis [(2-cyanophenyl)methoxy]calix[4]arene, Journal of Chemical Crystallography, 2001, 31(6), 301-305.
54. Jin Chuanming, Lu Guoyuan, You Xiaozeng, Synthesis of pyridylazo-substituted chromogenic calix[4]arenes, Chinese Chemical Letter, 2001, 12, 959-960.
55. 龚楚儒, 杨明华, 金传明, 陈才元, 1-偶氮苯基-3-(5-硝基-2-吡啶基)-三氮烯与镉的显色反应及应用, 分析化学, 2001, 29, 246.
56. 陆国元, 万小宾, 金传明, 宋伟, 新的氨基酸受体的合成和分子识别性质研究, 化学学报, 2000, 58, 890 –894.
57. Lu GY, Song W, Tang F, Jin CM, Crystal structure of a novel bis (guanidinium) compound incorporated by sulfate anion, Journal Chemical Crystallograhy, 2000, 30, 7, 483-487.
58. Lu Guoyuan, Song Wei Tang Feng, Jin Chuan-Ming, Self-assemble architecture of bis (guanidiniums) receptors incorporated by sulfate anions in single crystals,Chinese Journal of Chemistry, 2000, 18, 924-927.
59. 胡宗球, 龚楚儒, 金传明, 键能的分子轨道理论研究,键能与Mullilken布居对键强度判断的比较, 化学学报, 1999, 57, 353 –357.
60. Jin Chuan-Ming, Yang Ming-Hua, Gong Chu-Ru, Studies on the color Reaction of a new Reagent 1-(4-Nitrophenyl)-3-(5-Nitro -2- Pyridyl) - Triazene with Cadmium,Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities,1999, 20, 319
61. Jin Chuan-Ming, Gong Chu-Ru, Hu Zhong-Qiu, Yang Ming-Hua, Synthesis of A New Reagent 1-(6-Nitro- 2-Benzothialyl)-3-(4-nitrophenyl)-Triazene and Study on color Reaction with Cadmium,Chinese Chemical Letters, 1998, 9, 655-656.
62. Jin Chuan-Ming, Yang Ming-Hua, Gong Chu-Ru, Hu Zhong-Qiu, The Colour Reactions of Mercury with 1-(6-Ethoxy1-2-Benzothiazoly1)-3-(4-Nitrophenyl)-Triazene and Its Applications, Chinese Chemical Letters, 1998, 9, 277-279.
63. 金传明, 龚楚儒, 杨明华, 胡宗球, 徐斌, 新试剂1-(6-乙氧基-2-苯并噻唑)-3-(4-硝基苯)-三氮烯与镉的显色反应研究, 分析化学, 1998, 26, 1283.
| 发明专利
1. 一种发光材料及其制备方法和发光方法(第一发明人),中国发明专利,ZL 201810607054.2,授权公告日:2021/7/9
2. 一种对硝基芳烃爆炸物传感的阴离子骨架金属有机框架材料及其制备方法和应用(第一发明人),中国发明专利,ZL201910714811,授权公告日:2021/8/9
3. 一种橙光发光材料及其制备方法和发光方法(第一发明人),中国发明专利,ZL2018 1 0607052.3,授权公告日:2020/10/9
4. 金属银-N-杂环卡宾聚合物、制备方法及其应用(第一发明人),中国发明专利,ZL2021 1 035 3937.7,授权公告日:2022/5/31
| 主要荣誉及获奖
1. 湖北师范学院九五科研论文二等奖,2002年12月
2. 湖北师范学院学术骨干,2002年
3. 湖北师范学院学术骨干,2004年
4. 湖师员工心目中最喜爱的十佳教师,2006年12月
5. bis(imidazolium) and 1,1-Methylenebis (1,2,4-triazolium) Bis(Low-Melting Dialkyl- and Bis(polyfluoroalkyl) - Substituted 1,1-Methylene trifluoromethanesulfonyl)amides: Ionic Liquids Leading to Bis(N-heterocyclic carbene) Complexes of Palladium,Organometallics, 2005, 24, 3020-3023获湖北省第十一届自然科学优秀学术论文二等奖,2006年12月
6. 基于杯芳烃离子传感器的设计合成与性质研究,黄石市首届高校科技奖三等奖,2007年5月
7. “教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划”湖北省推荐人选,2007年
8. 第七届黄石市“十大杰出青年”,2007年5月
9. 湖北师院十佳优秀教师,2007年9月
10. 湖北省第八届青年科技奖,2008年1月
11. A new infinite inorganic [n]catenane from silver and bis(2-methylimidazolyl)methane ligand,Chemical Communications, 2006, 5039-5041. 湖北省第十二届自然科学优秀学术论文二等奖,2008年12月
12. 湖北师院十大科研先进个人,2008年9月
13. 2008-2009年度黄石市有突出贡献中青年专家,2010年4月
14. 教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金项目评审专家,2010年5月
15. “超分子的功能化、相互作用与识别”获湖北省自然科学奖三等奖(2010Z-027-3-009-002)(2/5),2010年11月
16. 湖北欧美同学会-湖北留学人员联合会第一届理事会理事,2011年4月
17. “基于2-mBIM的一维无限索烃分子与六金属大环有机骨架材料”获黄石市第二届(2007-2009年度)自然科学优秀学术论文一等奖,2011年3月
18. 湖北省新世纪高层次人才工程第二层次人选,2011年12月
19. 美国化学会“优秀评审专家”,2011年
20. 湖北省无机化学专业委员会委员,2012年1月
21. 黄石市留学人员联谊会第一届理事会副会长,2012年4月
23. 学士学位论文《(对甲基)偶氮苯基-2-(2-吡啶)苯并咪唑鎳配合物的合成及性质》被评为湖北省优秀学士学位论文,2013年
24. 湖北省回国科技人员创业促进会第一届理事会会员,2014年4月
25. 湖北师范学院2014-2015年度优秀共产党员,2015年6月
26. 湖北省人民政府专项津贴专家,2015年12月
(Updated: 25 May, 2022)