








|  个人简介



|  教学及人才培养

1. 主讲《无机化学》《无机化学实验》等课程

2. 国家一流专业(化学专业)负责人

3. 湖北省精品资源共享课《无机化学》课程负责人

4. 湖北省优秀硕士学位论文指导教师、湖北省优秀学士学位论文指导教师(10篇)

5. 担任无机化学、物理化学方向研究生导师

 |  主要科研课题

1. 主持:国家自然科学基金面上项目(项目批号:22173029),2022.1–2025.12

2. 主持:国家自然科学基金面上项目(项目批号:21273065),2013.1–2016.12

3. 主持:国家自然科学基金青年项目(项目批号:20803019),2009.1–2009.12

4. 主持:湖北省自然科学基金面上项目(项目批号:2010CDB00101),2011.1–2013.12

5. 主持:湖北省新世纪优秀青年骨干人才资助计划(项目批号:鄂人社函[2012]769号),2013.1–2015.12


|  代表性论文论著 

1. Ze-Yue Huang, Zi-Heng Wang, Ya Niu, Guo-Xi Deng, Ai-Min Bai, Xiao-Yun Li*, Yan-Jun Hu*, Structure-dependent of 3-fluorooxindole derivatives interacting with ctDNA: Binding effects and molecular docking approaches, Bioorganic Chemistry2022121, 105698.

2. Zheng-Qi Su, Miao-Miao Yin*, Zi-Qing Yang, Ao-Hong Hu, Yan-Jun Hu*, Interactions between two kinds of gold nanoclusters and calf thymus DNA: directions for preparations to applications, Biomacromolecules202122, 4738–4747.

3. Jing Yang, Sheng-Chao Huang, Yi Wang, Meng-Yuan Ji, Yan-Jun Hu*, Multispectroscopic, electrochemical and molecular docking approaches on binding comparison of camptothecin, 10-hydroxycamptothecin to bovine serum albumin, J. Mol. Liq.2021326, 115296.

4. Chun-Yan Liang, Juan Pan, Ai-Min Bai, Yan-Jun Hu*, Insights into the interaction of human serum albumin and carbon dots: Hydrothermal synthesis and biophysical study.Int. J. Biol. Macromol.2020149, 1118–1129.

5. Chun-Yan Liang, Wei Xia, Cheng-Zhang Yang, Yong-Chang Liu, Ai-Min Bai, Yan-Jun Hu*, Exploring the binding of carbon dots to calf thymus DNA: From green synthesis to fluorescent molecular probe. Carbon2018, 130, 257–266.

6. Cheng-Zhang Yang, Chun-Yan Liang, Di Zhang, Yan-Jun Hu*, Deciphering the interaction of methotrexate with DNA: Spectroscopic and molecular docking study.J. Mol. Liq.2017248, 1–6.

7. Li-Yang Cheng, Wei Xia, Xin Zhang, Ai-Min Bai, Yu Ouyang, Yan-Jun Hu*, In vitro binding comparison of cephalosporins to human serum albumin by spectroscopy and molecular docking approaches: A novel structural pursuing. J. Mol. Liq.2017248, 168–176.

8. Bao Tu, Rong-Rong Li, Zhi-Juan Liu, Zhi-Feng Chen, Yu Ouyang, Yan-Jun Hu*, Structure-activity relationship study between baicalein and wogonin by spectrometry, molecular docking and microcalorimetry. Food Chem.2016, 208, 192–198.

9. Hua-Li Yue, Yan-Jun Hu*, Jun Chen, Ai-Min Bai, Yu Ouyang, Green synthesis and physical characterization of Au nanoparticles and their interaction with bovine serum albumin. Colloids Surf. B-Biointerfaces2014122, 107–114.

10. Xiao-Ling Li, Yan-Jun Hu*, Hong Wang, Bing-Qiong Yu, Hua-Li Yue, Molecular spectroscopy evidence for berberine binding to DNA: Comparative binding and thermodynamic profile of intercalation, Biomacromolecules2012, 13, 873–880.


|  发明专利


|  主要荣誉及获奖        

1. 国务院政府特殊津贴专家,2016

2. 湖北省新世纪高层次人才,2011

3. 湖北省自然科学奖三等奖(排名1),2019

4. 湖北省自然科学奖二等奖(排名2),2013

5. 湖北省自然科学奖二等奖(排名3),2012

6. 湖北省自然科学奖三等奖(排名3),2010

7. 湖北省优秀博士学位论文,2008

8. 黄石市有突出贡献专家,2013

9. 黄石市最美教师,2019

10. 黄石市十大杰出青年,2012

(Updated: 24 May, 2022)

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